
Welcome To Be Better Chiropractic

At Be Better Chiropractic, our team of dedicated and highly qualified chiropractors is here to serve your needs with professional chiropractic care. We are committed to providing effective, long-term solutions to pain and discomfort through expert chiropractic adjustments.  Your well-being is our priority, and we’re here to help you.

Our Practioners

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Dr. Benjamin Butcher


Dr. Benjamin Butcher is the heart and soul of Be Better Chiropractic. He holds a double  Bachelor degree in Health Science and Applied Science (Chiropractic) from RMIT University. He has always been fascinated with the chiropractic profession and how chiropractic care can impact people in extremely positive ways. 

His journey into chiropractic care began while he was still in College where he gained valuable work experience that ignited his passion for enhancing the health and wellbeing of his community. Dr. Butcher is on a mission to uplift the quality of life for everyone he serves through chiropractic, guiding them to be the best versions of themselves. Ben’s core values are honesty and transparency but he also enjoys motivating and inspiring everyone around him!

Comprehensive Care

Dr. Butcher specialises in treating a wide range of conditions, from acute and chronic injuries to back, shoulder, hip pain, headaches, and general aches and pains. He offers both symptomatic/relief care and comprehensive wellness/preventative solutions, tailoring his approach to meet each individual’s unique needs. 

At the core of Dr. Butcher’s practice are chiropractic adjustments, carefully designed to restore proper spinal alignment and function. These adjustments form the foundation of his approach, providing pain relief and promoting overall well-being. Complementary therapies such as soft tissues techniques, dry needling, lifestyle advice further enhance the benefits of his precise chiropractic care, offering a comprehensive approach to your health.

A Balanced Lifestyle

Beyond the clinic, Dr. Butcher maintains a active and vibrant lifestyle. He’s an avid football and basketball player, and very passionate about staying fit and healthy through gym work, running and good nutrition. 


Techniques used

Diversified Spinal Adjustments
Gonstead Spinal Adjustments
Drop Peice Adjustments
Pelvic Blocking
Soft Tissues Techniques
Dry Needling

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Office Hours

Monday                                          8:30 - 12:00  ♦  2:30-6:30
Tuesday                                         8:30 - 12:00  ♦                       
Wednesday                                   7:00 - 10:00  ♦ 
Thursday                                       8:30 - 12:00  ♦  2:30-6:30
Friday                                                                         ♦  2:30-6:30
Saturday                                                  By Appointment        

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