Welcome to Be Better Chiropractic
“Be Better everyday, every way!”
Located conveniently near Sandhurst, Be Better Chiropractic is devoted to offering personalized, patient-centric care, addressing the needs of individuals seeking either pain relief or optimised performance.
Our experienced Sandhurst chiropractors take the time to understand your unique health concerns and recommend the approach that will best suit your needs. From chiropractic adjustments to soft tissue techniques, our treatments are suitable for all ages.
Utilising our comprehensive history-taking process and assessments, we endeavour to uncover the root cause of your health challenges. This allows us to craft a targeted treatment plan, addressing the core issues beneath your surface-level symptoms.
Call us today for a consultation and get started on your journey towards better health.
Who We Serve
We deliver quality chiropractic care to Sandhurst and surrounding communities, helping them take a holistic approach to improving and/or maintaining their health. Our clients include:
Striving to alleviate discomfort and improve overall well-being.
Seeking holistic care solutions for various health concerns.
Looking to maintain mobility, prevent injuries and improve performance.
Interested in proactive health measures for a better quality of life.
Why Choose Be Better Chiropractic
Personalised, patient-centric care
Safe, evidence-based techniques from full body adjustments to soft tissue techniques
Modern, fully equipped clinic
Affordable fees
Same-day appointments – no referral required
Onsite HICAPS machine for quick insurance reimbursements
Acceptance of TAC, Workcover, DVA and Medicare EPCs
Extended hours for accessible care
What Makes Us Different
We Listen
Our chiropractors take the time to listen to your concerns and experiences and understand your health needs more thoroughly. This attentive approach ensures that our resulting treatment plan is as effective as possible and is precisely tailored to address your specific health goals.
We Explain
We prioritise effective communication to empower you to better understand your body and how you can achieve your goals. Our chiropractors provide detailed explanations of their findings and maintain full transparency in their approach.
We Support
We recognise that consistency is important to achieve lasting progress in your health journey. Besides in-clinic treatments, we also provide advice and resources such as information, home exercises and progress expectations for you to stay on track.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Better function and performance
Better health
Better posture
Improved resilience
Reduced pain and discomfort
Increased mobility and flexibility
Break free from pain, restore function, and rediscover joy.
Visit our clinic near Sandhurst today and get started on becoming a healthier, happier you.
Office Hours
Monday 8:30 – 12:00 ♦ 2:30-6:30
Tuesday 8:30 – 12:00 ♦
Wednesday 7:00 – 10:00 ♦
Thursday 8:30 – 12:00 ♦ 2:30-6:30
Friday ♦ 2:30-6:30
Saturday By Appointment
Sunday Closed
Our Location
Our clinic is located at 9/100 Gladesville Blvd, Patterson Lakes, VIC 3197, and is less than a 5-minute drive from Sandhurst.